² For thecubic sequence un=an^3 +bn^2 +cn+d, thethird differencesare constant and equal to 6 a.
The general difference table is:
n 12 3 4
un a+b+c+d 8 a+4b+2c+d 27 a+9b+3c+d 64 a+16b+4c+d
¢1 7 a+3b+c 19 a+5b+c 37 a+7b+c
¢2 12 a+2b 18 a+2b
¢3 6 a
We use the circled terms to finda,b,candd.
Example 7 Self Tutor
Find a formula for the general termunof: 6 , 13 , 20 , 27 , 34 , 41 , ......
The difference table is: n 123456
un 61320273441
¢1 77777
The¢1values are constant, so the sequence is linear.
un=an+b with a=7and a+b=6
) 7+b=6
) b=¡ 1
) the general term is un=7n¡ 1
Example 8 Self Tutor
Examine the dot sequence:
a How many dots are in the nexttwofigures?
b Find a formula forun, the number of dots in thenth figure.
You should not memorise
these tables but learn to
quickly generate them
when you need.
15 dots 21 dots
, , , , .....
Sequences (Chapter 26) 541
cyan magenta yellow black
100 100
100 100
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