In many exponential equations we cannot easily make the base numbers on both sides the same. For example,
if 3 x=6we cannot easily write 6 with a base number of 3.
We can solve these types of exponential equations using a graphics calculator, using the methods learnt in
Chapter 23.
Discovery 3 Solving exponential equations graphically
Consider the exponential equation 3 x=6.
Since 31 =3and 32 =9, the solution forxmust lie between 1 and 2.
Agraphics calculatorcan be used to solve this equation by drawing the graphs of y=3x and
y=6 and finding theirpoint of intersection. To find out how to do this, consult the instructions on
pages 23 to 24.
Alternatively, click on the icon to obtain a graphing package.
1 Draw the graph of y=3x.
2 Draw the graph of y=6 on the same set of axes.
4 Solve forx, correct to 3 decimal places:
a 3 x=10 b 3 x=30 c 3 x= 100
d 2 x=12 e 5 x=40 f 7 x=42
If using a calculator you may have to change the viewing window scales.
Example 6 Self Tutor
Solve 2 x=10correct to 3 decimal places.
We could also
and y=10on
the same set of
2 x=10has the same solutions as
2 x¡10 = 0.
Thex-intercept¼ 3 : 322
) x¼ 3 : 322
» 3. 322
y= 2 x- 10
572 Exponential functions and equations (Chapter 28)
Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of the graphs.
What to do:
cyan magenta yellow black
100 100
100 100
Y:\HAESE\IGCSE01\IG01_28\572IGCSE01_28.CDR Friday, 31 October 2008 9:58:00 AM PETER