The Artist's Way

(Axel Boer) #1

way!” with “Maybe,” we open the door to mystery and to
This newly positive attitude is the beginning of trust. We
are starting to look for the silver lining in what appears to be
adversity. Most of us find that as we work with the morning
pages, we begin to treat ourselves more gently. Feeling less
desperate, we are less harsh with ourselves and with others.
This compassion is one of the first fruits of aligning our
creativity with its creator.

Often   people  attempt to  live    their
lives backwards: they try to have
more things, or more money, in
order to do more of what they
want so that they will be happier.
The way it actually works is the
reverse. You must first be who
you really are, then, do what you
need to do, in order to have what
you want.

As we come to trust and love our internal guide, we lose
our fear of intimacy because we no longer confuse our
intimate others with the higher power we are coming to
know. In short, we are learning to give up idolatry—the
worshipful dependency on any person, place, or thing.
Instead, we place our dependency on the source itself. The

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