A Guide to Physics Problems. Part 2. Thermodynamics, Statistical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics

(Grace) #1

Assume a wave function of the form

where is the Bohr radius, is the variational parameter, and is the
spin state of the two electrons.

Perturbation Theory

5.38 Momentum Perturbation (Princeton)

A particle of mass moves in one dimension according to the Hamiltonian

All eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are known. Suppose we add
a term to the Hamiltonian, where and are constants and is the

Derive an expression for the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the new Hamil-
tonian H.

5.39 Ramp in Square Well (Colorado)

b) A small perturbation is added, Use perturbation
theory to calculate the change in the ground state energy to

5.40 Circle with Field (Colorado, Michigan State)

A particle with charge e and mass is confined to move on the circumfer-
ence of a circle ofradius Theonlyterm in theHamiltonian is the kinetic
energy, so the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are


A particle of mass is bound in a squarewell where
a) What are theenergy andeigenfunction ofthe groundstate?
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