Basic Music Theory: How to Read, Write, and Understand Written Music
Basic Music Theory CHAPTER CHAPTER 19 THE PIANO KEYBOARD In This Chapter Note Names on the Piano Keyboard Flats and Sharps on t ...
20: The Piano Keyboard Why Learn the Keyboard? Notes are laid out on the keyboard in a very simple way which is easy to comprehe ...
Basic Music Theory From there it’s easy to fill in the rest of the note names, like so: Example 20.2 Piano keyboard with natural ...
20: The Piano Keyboard Sharp Notes on the Keyboard A sharp note is any black key to the right of a white key (remember to the ri ...
Basic Music Theory Half Steps and Whole Steps A half step, as it’s defined by Webster’s, is one twelfth of an octave, but that d ...
20: The Piano Keyboard you’d come back down doing the same thing. Here’s where the enharmonic notes come in: As you go up the sc ...
Basic Music Theory What is a whole step? What are the two natural half steps? Which accidentals are used when going up a chroma ...
20: The Piano Keyboard ...
Basic Music Theory CHAPTER CHAPTER 20 MAJOR SCALES In This Chapter: The Major Scale C Major Scale The Octave The F Major Scale ...
21: Major Scales The Major Scale I read on the Internet that if Western music were genetic material, the major scale would be it ...
Basic Music Theory half step: whole step: If you have access to an actual keyboard, play the scale below. It will be all white n ...
21: Major Scales Scales with Accidentals Now we can take that pattern of whole and half steps and apply it to another scale. Let ...
Basic Music Theory order to have a half step, we need an F#. And it just so happens that between the sixth and seventh degree of ...
21: Major Scales Moving On If you understand the major scale, you’ve got a powerful tool to unlock the intricacies of much of mu ...
Basic Music Theory CHAPTER CHAPTER 21 UNLOCK THE SECRET OF KEY SIGNATURES In This Chapter What is a Key Signature? The key of C ...
22: Unlock the Secret of Key Signatures Key Signatures Any piece of music has a certain feel which comes from several things, li ...
Basic Music Theory beginning of a song affects all the notes throughout the song, so the composer doesn’t have to write out all ...
22: Unlock the Secret of Key Signatures Example 22.2 The keys of Bb and Eb. Construct a Flat Key To create a flat key, there are ...
Basic Music Theory Here’s a more visual representation of what I’m talking about. Or you could just memorize that one flat is th ...
22: Unlock the Secret of Key Signatures Example 22.4 The keys of G and B. Construct a Sharp Key If you reverse the process, you ...
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