
(Niar) #1

Module 68

Check Your Understanding

  1. a.This type of advertising is likely to be useful because it
    provides new information on an important product.
    b.This type of advertising is likely to be wasteful because
    it is focused on promoting Bayer aspirin over a rival’s
    aspirin despite the two products being medically
    c.This is useful because the longevity of a business gives a
    potential customer information about its quality.

  2. A successful brand name indicates a desirable attribute,
    such as quality, to a potential buyer. So, other things
    equal—such as price—a firm with a successful brand
    name will achieve higher sales than a rival with a com-
    parable product but without a successful brand name.
    This is likely to deter new firms from entering an
    industry in which an existing firm has a successful
    brand name.

Tackle the Test:

Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. e

  2. d

  3. a

  4. e

  5. d

Tackle the Test:

Free-Response Questions

  1. Product differentiation is efficient when it conveys useful
    information to consumers and the marginal benefit of
    the product differentiation exceeds the marginal cost. It
    is not efficient from a societal standpoint if it does not
    convey useful information or other benefits worth more
    than the resources devoted to it. This is likely to be the
    case, for example, if it misleads consumers or creates
    undesirable market power.

Module 69

Check Your Understanding

  1. Many college professors will depart for other lines of
    work if the government imposes a wage that is lower
    than the market wage. Fewer professors will result in
    fewer courses taught and therefore fewer college
    degrees produced. It will adversely affect sectors of the
    economy that depend directly on colleges, such as the
    local shopkeepers who sell goods and services to stu-
    dents and faculty, college textbook publishers, and so
    on. It will also adversely affect firms that use the “out-
    put” produced by colleges: new college graduates. Firms
    that need to hire new employees with college degrees
    will be hurt as a smaller supply results in a higher mar-
    ket wage for college graduates. Ultimately, the reduced
    supply of college-educated workers will result in a lower
    level of human capital in the entire economy relative to

what it would have been without the policy. And this
will hurt all sectors of the economy that depend on
human capital. The sectors of the economy that might
benefit are firms that compete with colleges in the hir-
ing of would-be college professors. For example,
accounting firms will find it easier to hire people who
would otherwise have been professors of accounting,
and publishers will find it easier to hire people who
would otherwise have been professors of English (easier
in the sense that the firms can recruit would-be profes-
sors with a lower wage than before). In addition, work-
ers who already have college degrees will benefit; they
will command higher wages as the supply of college-
educated workers falls.

  1. a.The demand curve for labor shifts to the right.
    b.The demand curve for labor shifts to the left.

Tackle the Test:
Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. b

  2. e

  3. d

  4. b

  5. a

Tackle the Test:
Free-Response Questions

  1. a.


Quantity of labor


Original Labor

New Labor

Original Labor
New Labor
Quantity of labor



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