Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

Language is a foundation for the Habits of Mind. A person must have
both inner languageand expressive languageto be able to develop the
habits. For example, if students do not have inner language (the ability to
talk to themselves), they will have difficulty thinking through a problem
or being aware of their own thinking so they can use what they have
learned in other situations. If they do not have expressive language (the
ability to talk to others), they will be unable to participate in social think-
ing or to articulate questions.
Success in school and daily life depends upon the spontaneous appli-
cation of the Habits of Mind during problem solving, innovating, and
decision making. As adults, we can stimulate, engage, and help children
practice the Habits of Mind by subtly and carefully using language with
selected syntax, presuppositions, vocabulary, and intonations.
For example, teachers can consciously select key cognitive terminol-
ogy so students encounter the words in common, everyday dialogue. They
can formulate questions that lead students to exercise certain Habits of
Mind. They can provide data that students must interpret for themselves.
They can remain nonjudgmental so children must make their own judg-
ments. In other words, educators can become more mindful of their own
use of language.
We a l l c a n d e v e l o p t h e h a b i t o f t h i n k i n g a n d c o m mu ni c a t i n g w i t h
clarity and precision. In so doing, we educate students’ cognitive struc-
tures, which ultimately leads to increased academic performance. This
chapter contains suggestions for

•Building fluency in and a repertoire for the labels of the Habits of
•Monitoring our own language.
•Intentionally using language that will enhance awareness and per-
formance of the Habits of Mind during daily interactions in classrooms
and schools.

A “Word Splash”

We b e g i n t h i s c h a p t e r w i t h a “ w o r d s p l a s h ,” w h i c h i s i n t e n d e d t o b u i l d f l u -
ency with the terms and phrases related to each Habit of Mind. Reproduc-
ing the exact wording of the habits as explicated in this book is not

118 Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind

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