Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

necessary in the classroom. Each Habit of Mind has a cluster of terms
with similar meanings, and the student who can’t remember persisting
may well remember the habit of stick to it. What is important is learning
what the habit means so that students can associate the appropriate behav-
ior with the habit. One way students—and adults—can make these con-
nections is through a word splash.
A word splash is a collection of key terms, synonyms, and phrases that
convey meanings similar to a particular term (Lipton & Wellman, 1999).
It enhances fluency with the terms and elaborates their meaning. A word
splash also enhances flexibility by providing a group of terms rather than
restricting someone to use of a single term. A word splash expands the
range of questioning and paraphrasing, and it allows students and teach-
ers to communicate with others using common terminology.
Each of the following word splashes was generated by groups of teach-
ers as they considered key terms, synonyms, and word phrases that stand
for and convey meanings similar to the terms we use for the Habits of
Mind. To get started, here is a word splash for the phrase Habits of Mind:

Characteristics Character traits Attitudes
Virtues Mental disciplines Proclivities
Dispositions Inclinations Propensities

The following sections contain word splashes for each of the 16
Habits of Mind. These vocabulary lists are by no means complete. Invite
students and colleagues to add to them. For example, students might
make a glossary for the Habits of Mind and then use a thesaurus to add
synonyms to their lists. Incorporate these words in spelling lists, or invite
students to go on a scavenger hunt to find additional words and enlarge
their mindful vocabulary.

Word Splash for Persisting

Never give up Relentless Stand your ground
Perseverance Undaunted Sustained
Indefatigable Drive Systematic
Focused Resiliant Hang in there

To w a r d a M i n d f u l L a n g u a g e o f L e a r n i n g 119
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