Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

Have a plan in mind Inner feelings Thinking aloud
Self-aware Inner thoughts Reflective
Thinking about Inner dialogue Strategic planning
your thinking Awareness

Word Splash for Striving for Accuracy

Specific Quality Ensure
Stamina Fit Mastery
Uncompromising Finished Check it out
Flawless Proof Sharp
Effortless Fidelity Perfection
Quality control Correct On target
Craftsmanlike Surety Exactness
Zero tolerance Refined Correctness
Hit the bull’s-eye Adroit Elegant

Word Splash for Questioning and Posing Problems

Interested Delving Quest
Probing Qualify Clarifying
Investigative Inquiry Curious
Interrogative Seeking Inquisitive
Skeptical Curious Cautious
Puzzled Query Speculative
Perplexing Proof Hypothetical

Word Splash for Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations

Prior knowledge Reuse Recycled
Know your resources Draw forth Remember
Reservoir of knowledge/ Recall Transfer
experiences Bridge Transform
Just like the time when... Use again Translate
Utilize memory for Scaffolding Similar situations
the future Apply Reminds me

To w a r d a M i n d f u l L a n g u a g e o f L e a r n i n g 121
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