Learning & Leading With Habits of Mind

(avery) #1

Diligence Reliant Try and try again
Continuing Enduring Stick-to-it-iveness
Stamina Te n a c i t y Hang tough

Word Splash for Managing Impulsivity

Think before you act Meditate Reflective
Deliberate Patient Controlled
Thoughtful Calm Count to 10
Strategic Planned Wait time
Ta k e a d e e p b r e a t h M i n d f u l Considered

Word Splash for Listening with Understanding and Empathy

Empathic Caring Concentration
Tuned in Paraphrase Summarizing
Mirroring Respectful Compassionate
Attentive Focused Concentrate

Word Splash for Thinking Flexibly

Adaptable Expandable Lateral thinking
Bendable Plasticity Va r i e t y
Options Diversity Alternatives
Changing Pliable Growing
Open-minded Creative Multiple solutions
Different points of view Resilient Repertoire
Different perspectives Fluent Many possibilities

Word Splash for Thinking About Thinking (Metacognition)

Knowing what you Mindful Ta l k i n g t o y o u r s e l f
know and what Mental maps Self-monitoring
you don’t know Cognizance Inside your head
Ta l k - a l o u d p r o b l e m A l e r t n e s s Self-evaluative
solving Consciousness Self-awareness

120 Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind

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