Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Days
memory location for the new ythat was used for ythe preceding time the function was called. If yisn’t explicitly initialized by ...
Understanding Variable Scope 295 12 The difference between an ordinary external variable and a static external variable is one o ...
Local Variables and the main()Function .......................................................... Everything said so far about l ...
Understanding Variable Scope 297 12 TABLE12.1 C’s five variable storage classes Storage Class Keyword Lifetime Where It’s Define ...
5: int main( void ) 6: { 7: /* Define a variable local to main(). */ 8: 9: int count = 0; 10: 11: printf(“\nOutside the block, c ...
Understanding Variable Scope 299 12 Summary .................................................................................... ...
scope. For this reason, you can leave a structure body external to any functions with no real effect on memory. Many programmers ...
Understanding Variable Scope 301 12 What value does an uninitialized global variable contain? What value does an uninitialized ...
printf( “%c”, star); } } } 7.BUG BUSTER:What is wrong with the following code? /*Count the number of even numbers between 0 and ...
Understanding Variable Scope 303 12 What does the following program print? Don’t run the program—try to figure it out by readin ...
19 448201x-CH12 8/13/02 11:17 AM Page 304 ...
TYPE& RUN 4 Secret Messages This is the fourth Type & Run section. Remember, the purpose of the listings in the Type &am ...
LISTINGT&R 4 Coder.c 1: /* Program: Coder.c 2: * Usage: Coder [filename] [action] 3: * where filename = filename for/with co ...
Secret Messages 307 51: 52: fclose(fh); 53: printf( “\n\nFile decoded to screen.\n” ); 54: } 55: } 56: else /* assume coding to ...
Here is an example of a secret message: Ymnx%nx%f%xjhwjy%rjxxflj& Decoded, this message says: This is a secret message! This ...
DAY 13 WEEK 2 Advanced Program Control Day 6, “Controlling Your Program’s Order of Execution,” introduces several C program cont ...
Ending Loops Early ............................................................................................ On Day 6 you lea ...
Advanced Program Control 311 13 15: if (s[count] == ‘.’) 16: { 17: s[count+1] = ‘\0’; 18: break; 19: } 20: } 21: printf(“\nModif ...
ThebreakStatement break; breakis used inside a loop or switchstatement. It causes the control of a program to immediately exit t ...
Advanced Program Control 313 13 13: 14: puts(“Enter a line of text:”); 15: gets(buffer); 16: 17: /* Go through the string, displ ...
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