Video Ads
This type of ad allows you to introduce an offer on a GIF or video and
demonstrate how a product works. It can also give you a fun way of sharing a
video that will show your brand with an engaging message. Facebook added
an update in 2017 that lets advertisers have the ability to use the GIF format
videos in ads.
If given the choice, video tends to attract and hold people’s attention than a
still image. It captures the attention with movement and audio when they
scroll down on the Instagram feeds. (Karlson, Karola, 2018)
Specs for Video Ads
Caption - maximum of 125 characters
Type of Media – video
Video Resolution- 600 x 600 square pixels OR 600 x 315 landscape pixels
1:1 for the square OR 1.9:1 for the landscape
Resolution - 600 x 600 pixels minimum and 1080 x 1080 pixels maximum
Length- 3 seconds minimum and 60 seconds maximum
Size – 4 GB maximum
Frame rate –30fps maximum
Type of file -container.mp4
Video –H.264 video compression; progressive scan, fixed frame rate, square
pixels, and high profile preferred
Audio: 128kbps+ preferred, stereo AAC audience compression