In addition to having a great thumbnail image and several keywords, you also
need to have a captivating title and a good description. Your title is going to
help entice people to click on your video and watch it. It will work hand in
hand with your thumbnail image to capture interest and spark curiosity.
Therefore, make sure you have a captivating title that will tell viewers exactly
what they are going to watch. People like to know what is coming in the
future. They don’t want to be surprised and they definitely don’t want to be
When writing your title try to write it in keyword segments. However, unlike
in the tag, you are going to spell thing properly and make it look nice. Your
title is something that needs to be appealing. Remember, people judge books
by the cover so if the title looks bad then they are going to pass right on to the
other one. The same is true with your video. People are going to decide based
on your thumbnail and then your title whether or not they want to watch your
video. Although on YouTube you will always have a thumbnail, in some
search engines your thumbnail will not display. That means it is up to your
title to draw them in. Therefore, make sure it is nice.
Your title and thumbnail must work together to draw people to your video.
Therefore, write your title in two or three different search phrases that tell
exactly what the video is about. It is a good idea to use dividers between the
phrases so that people can easily read them without having to strain their
eyes. Things like dashes – or vertical bars | will work nicely. In addition, try
to place your brand at the end of your title so that people will know your
videos even when the thumbnail isn’t present. This is mostly for off YouTube
promotion like when your title is hyperlinked on another site or on social