Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

Step 2: Select the Right Objective

Facebook comprises of more than two billion monthly users henceforth
attracting several brands to Facebook Ads as a means of marketing their
products and services. The first thing to conduct before engaging in creating
Facebook Ads is to choose a specific objective to fit into a given category of
your campaign. Facebook initially asks you to select your purpose during the
first step of developing your Facebook Ads manager. Choosing the right
objective also enables you to focus on Facebook marketing techniques while
yielding well-tailored results.

There are three types of objectives which include awareness, consideration,
and conversion, guiding you correctly to your needs. Awareness focuses
solely on brand recognition and reaches your audiences both on products and
content. Objectives under considerations create traffic, product engagement,
and provision of messages, therefore, generating interest for your audience to
search for your brand. Conversions are objectives that enable your audience
to get an urge to purchase your products through catalog sales, store sales,
and conversions.

As such, awareness objectives are essential for campaigns and promotion of
new businesses and you readily reach new potential customers. Conversion
and store visits are crucial for increasing physical sales while narrowing
down to more specific objectives, for instance, video views and mobile app
installs. After selecting your preferred target and understand your goals, you
are now aware of what you want to achieve in your Facebook advertisement.

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