Find A Way to Share Similar Content
When it comes to growing your platform, it is important that your content
tells a story and helps people grow with you. You also want to find a way to
share similar content across all of your platforms so that all of your platforms
come together to tell the same story, as this is a great way to really lock in
consistency and create growth in your online platforms quickly. By creating
stories on your online platforms that build on themselves and that weave
together throughout your various platforms, you not only create consistency
but you also create a brand that is easy to follow and understand as
everything you are posting comes together in a powerful way. As people
follow you from day to day, everything you share makes sense because you
are elaborating on previous content. Of course, you need to make sure that
you do this in a way that allows you to appeal to new followers as well who
may have missed out on previous content, so each piece of content will need
to come together as an individual piece of a greater story.
Finding a way to share similar content can be easy, especially in a personal
brand. One of the easiest ways to do it is to allow your information to flow
through you and to share the building of information from day to day based
on your actual life experiences. So, for example, say you are a life coach, you
may invite your followers along on a journey to show them how you face
struggle, what you do to manage hardships, and why you are qualified to help
them with their own challenges. This type of process allows you to walk
people through a story with you, build your brand for them, and keep them
interested in you personally. Plus, because you are sharing personal stories,
you are allowing your audience to have the opportunity to feel like they
personally relate to you which keeps them feeling a strong relationship with
your audience.
If you do not feel like sharing content as it comes up for you is doable, or if
you feel like it is too awkward or uncomfortable to bring people along on
your day-to-day life like that, you might consider creating monthly
storyboards. These are essentially content calendars that allow you to put
together an idea of how you want your content to flow over the course of a
month so that you already know what to post about, allowing you to simply
check your calendar and post. For some people, this can be easier than trying