Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1
2. Provide a tutorial or other informative pin. The story will show up
when someone wants to read the post, but they can always see the
image and your title. The beginning blurb needs to be informative, but
eye catching. Content is king, so make your words count.
3. Post a pin every week or every two weeks. Keep a routine schedule so
people know to come back and see what is happening.
4. When there are, new products pin them on your page.
5. Mostly, you need to keep up with posts that are informative in some
way. If you sell face care products, demonstrate through images how to
use them. If you sell essential oils provide recipes for food, skin care,
shampoo and other natural products that you can use essential oils in.

Pinterest pins need to be highly informative and refer people to your
information. They need to be able to follow your pin to your profile and that
to your website or phone number to order products from you.


The best way to use Instagram is to find funny videos, photos or create your
own. You want to get people to laugh, without damaging the brand reputation
of your product. For example, you might create a video on how not to use an
essential oil or why using a different essential oil is not good for your
potential audience base. Like Pinterest, you are going to upload the image,
with a blurb, and ensure the content has the correct message.


LinkedIn is a professional website for professional businesspeople. It is a
way for someone to network about their skills, their resume, and gain views.
Many people use LinkedIn to get a profile online in a different location. The
more information there is and more ways to find you, the more you can gain
views online. Your LinkedIn profile should be set up, but it does not need to
be monitored with any regularity.

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