Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

A/B Testing

After you’ve figured out all the variations you can test, then it's time to run
your campaigns. You should probably have about 20 variations that you have
to build into 20 different ad campaigns. Although Facebook lets you create
multiple ad sets within a campaign and so on, I find it easier to just create the
first campaign and then duplicate it so that I can see everything from the main
screen. But you can do what works for you.

After you create your campaign, you will see it listed on the Ads Manager.
Hover your mouse over it and you will see a Duplicate option. Click on it and
Facebook will make a Duplicate for you. Open it up and give the campaign of
the clone a new meaningful name. For example, if our first campaign was
called Real Estate – Phoenix Metro, we would create a duplicate and then
name it Real Estate – New York.

After you’ve given it a name that identifies what you’re varying, then edit the
campaign to put your variation in. In this case, we’d go to Location and
change it from Phoenix to the state of New York, and then we’d go to the
Engagement/Creative Portion to make changes that are appropriate for the

The program you should follow goes like this:

  1. Create your 20 clones and set all the variations you want to test.

  2. Set your daily budgets low – you can try $3-5.

  3. Let the campaigns run for at a minimum of 3 days. Five days is

  4. At the end of five days, analyze your campaigns.
    After five days, you’ll want to weigh the following items:

  • The number of results per campaign.

  • Total money spent.

  • Cost per result.

  • Click through rate and other factors might also be important, but the top
    three are the most important.

For the real estate ads, we should have created a few ads that target New
York residents looking to move. They might vary by text or video creative.

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