Social Media Marketing_ 7 books - Charles Edwards

(Budkaster2723) #1

Chapter 7. Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines And


Writing good copy takes practice and discipline, but it also takes something
that makes many of us cringe: homework. To write compelling ad copy,
you're going to have to look at the project from every angle. Who are you
writing for? What do they want to read? What is going to grab their
attention? What are the best keywords to include? Should you use a familiar,
conversational tone, or is this audience strictly business? The successful
copywriter knows the answers to these questions before he or she writes even
a single word.
Of course, once the process has begun, every copywriting project should start
the same way: with a headline. We can't stress how important the headline is

  • the success or failure of your copywriting services depend on your ability to
    craft a headline with a gravity well that could be measured by NASA.
    Hyperbolic as it may sound, if your reader doesn't make it past the headline,
    you don't have a reader.

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