metastable, 1083 , 1103
meter, 20 , 31 , 802
Meters, 794
method of adding percents, 27 , 31
metric system, 20 , 31
Michelson-Morley experiment, 999 , 1021
Microgravity, 208
microgravity, 214
microlensing, 1225 , 1231
microshock sensitive, 719 , 725
microstate, 539 , 542
Microwaves, 871 , 1041
microwaves, 880 , 1055
micturition reflex, 390 , 391
mirror, 921
model, 15 , 31 , 41 , 76
moderate dose, 1155 , 1175
Modern physics, 18
modern physics, 31
mole, 446 , 464
moment of inertia, 328 , 329 , 349
motion, 101 , 114
motor, 802
Motors, 792
muon family number, 1193 , 1205
Mutual inductance, 836
mutual inductance, 850
myopia, 933 , 949
natural frequency, 571 , 582
near point, 933 , 949
Nearsightedness, 933
nearsightedness, 949
negatively curved, 1224 , 1231
Nerve conduction, 719
nerve conduction, 725
net external force, 129 , 156
net rate of heat transfer by radiation, 495 , 497
net work, 226 , 254
neutral equilibrium, 299 , 311
neutralinos, 1225 , 1231
neutrino, 1126 , 1141
neutrino oscillations, 1225 , 1231
neutron, 1120 , 1141
Neutron stars, 1220
neutron stars, 1231
Neutron-induced fission, 1167
neutron-induced fission, 1175
newton, 130
newton-meters, 226
Newton’s first law of motion, 127 , 156 , 156
Newton’s second law of motion, 128 , 156
Newton’s third law of motion, 134 , 156 , 156
Newton’s universal law of gravitation, 204 , 214
node, 606 , 622
Nodes, 577
nodes, 582
non-inertial frame of reference, 200 , 214
nonconservative force, 238 , 254
normal force, 137 , 156
north magnetic pole, 776 , 802
note, 622
notes, 611
Nuclear energy, 242
nuclear energy, 254
Nuclear fission, 1166
nuclear fission, 1175
Nuclear fusion, 1161
nuclear fusion, 1175
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 800 , 802
nuclear radiation, 1114 , 1141
nuclear reaction energy, 1125 , 1141
nucleons, 1120 , 1141
nucleus, 1141
nuclide, 1120 , 1141
Null measurements, 758
null measurements, 765
numerical aperture, 949
numerical aperture(NA), 941
objective lens, 939 , 949
ohm, 703 , 725
ohmic, 703 , 725
ohmmeter, 765
ohmmeters, 759
Ohm’s law, 703 , 725 , 736 , 765
optically active, 984 , 988
orbital angular momentum, 1090 , 1103
orbital magnetic field, 1090 , 1103
order, 961 , 988
order of magnitude, 20 , 31
oscillate, 552 , 582 , 880
Osmosis, 421
osmosis, 421
osmotic pressure, 421 , 421
Otto cycle, 523 , 542
over damping, 582
overdamped, 568
overtones, 577 , 582 , 607 , 622
parallel, 738 , 765
parallel plate capacitor, 677 , 689
parent, 1124 , 1141
Partial pressure, 459
partial pressure, 464
Particle physics, 1184
particle physics, 1205
particle-wave duality, 1045 , 1056
Particle-wave duality, 1053
Pascal’s principle, 368
Pascal’s Principle, 391
Pauli exclusion principle, 1097 , 1103
peak emf, 850
percent relative humidity, 462 , 464
percent uncertainty, 26 , 31
perfectly inelastic collision, 273 , 282
period, 556 , 582
periodic motion, 556 , 582
permeability of free space, 795 , 802
perpendicular lever arm, 294 , 311
phase angle, 847 , 850
phase diagram, 464
phase diagrams, 457
phase-contrast microscope, 986 , 989
phon, 612 , 622
Phosphorescence, 1083
phosphorescence, 1103
photoconductor, 651 , 655
photoelectric effect, 1032 , 1056
photomultiplier, 1119 , 1141
photon, 1033 , 1041 , 1056
photon energy, 1033 , 1056
photon momentum, 1042 , 1056
physical quantity, 18 , 31
Physics, 12
physics, 31
pion, 1184 , 1205
pit, 190 , 214
pitch, 594 , 611 , 622
Planck’s constant, 1031 , 1056
planetary model of the atom, 1070 , 1103
point charge, 641 , 655
point masses, 276 , 282
Poiseuille’s law, 411 , 422
Poiseuille’s law for resistance, 411 , 421
polar molecule, 646 , 655 , 681 , 689
polarization, 636 , 655 , 989
Polarization, 978
polarization microscope, 987 , 989
polarized, 647 , 655 , 978 , 989
population inversion, 1084 , 1103
position, 36 , 76
positively curved, 1224 , 1231
positron, 1128 , 1141
positron decay, 1128 , 1141
positron emission tomography (PET), 1152 ,
potential difference, 667 , 744 , 765
potential difference (or voltage), 689
potential energy, 235 , 235 , 254
potential energy of a spring, 235 , 254
potentiometer, 758 , 765
power, 245 , 254 , 905 , 921
power factor, 848 , 850
precision, 25 , 31
presbyopia, 933 , 949
pressure, 363 , 365 , 391
Pressure, 368
probability distribution, 1050 , 1056
projectile, 101 , 114
Projectile motion, 101
projectile motion, 114
Proper length , 1005
proper length, 1021
Proper time , 1001
proper time, 1021
proton, 655
proton-proton cycle, 1163 , 1175
protons, 631 , 1120 , 1141
PVdiagram, 456 , 464
quality factor, 1154 , 1175
quantized, 1030 , 1056
quantum chromodynamics, 1200 , 1202 , 1205
quantum electrodynamics, 1186 , 1205
Quantum gravity, 1218 , 1231
quantum mechanical tunneling, 1138 , 1141
Quantum mechanics, 18
quantum mechanics, 31 , 1030 , 1056
quantum numbers, 1092 , 1103
quark, 283 , 1205
quarks, 270 , 1195
quasars, 1220 , 1231
Rfactor, 487
rad, 1153 , 1175
Radar, 871
radar, 880
radians, 191 , 214
radiant energy, 242 , 254
radiation, 484 , 492 , 497
radiation detector, 1118 , 1141
radio waves, 862 , 868 , 880
radioactive, 1114 , 1141
Radioactive dating, 1130
radioactive dating, 1141
radioactivity, 1114 , 1141
radiolytic products, 1161 , 1175
radiopharmaceutical, 1150 , 1175
radiotherapy, 1158 , 1175
radius of a nucleus, 1121 , 1141
radius of curvature, 190 , 214
INDEX 1267