OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 602 Trichomoniasis is almost always an STD! DIAGNOSIS ■ Usually, visualization of the vagina allows a ...
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY TREATMENT ■ Metronidazole 2 g PO ×one dose or 500 mg PO BID ×7 days ■ Partners should also be treated. ...
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 604 CERVICITIS ■ Inflammation/infection of the cervix ■ Most common infectious causes are chlamydia an ...
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY DIAGNOSIS See Table 12.6. Transvaginal ultrasound can be used to evaluate for TOA. TREATMENT ■ Treatme ...
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 606 DIAGNOSIS ■ Definitive diagnosis requires direct visualization of the liver capsule via la- parosc ...
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY DIFFERENTIAL Syphilis must be ruled out. DIAGNOSIS Clinical diagnosis is necessary because smears and ...
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 608 OVARIAN TORSION Most cases result from a mass or large cyst on an ovary or fallopian tube that str ...
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY TREATMENT Management of the amenorrheic patient depends on the individual’s desire to ovulate and the ...
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 610 VAGINAL BLEEDING Gynecologic causes of abnormal vaginal bleeding in nonpregnant, reproduc- tive ag ...
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY DIAGNOSIS ■ Pregnancy test and CBC are needed in most cases of vaginal bleeding. ■ Vaginal ultrasound ...
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY 612 ■ Oral contraceptive pills and progestational agents like oral medroxyproges- terone acetate and d ...
CHAPTER 13 Environmental Emergencies Mashal Ahmadi, MD Bites and Stings 615 MAMMALIANBITES 615 SPIDERBITES 618 HYMENOPTERASTINGS ...
Dysbarism 644 DESCENTDYSBARISM 645 DYSBARISM ATDEPTH 645 ASCENTDYSBARISM 646 Submersion Injury 648 Poisonous Plants 649 CASTORBE ...
BITES AND STINGS A 31-year-old male presents to the ED for evaluation of hand pain after an altercation outside a bar. On examin ...
ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES DIAGNOSIS ■ X-ray to rule out foreign body or fracture ■ Check blood sugar to see if diabetic. GENERAL ...
ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES ■ Closed-fist injury requires aggressive irrigation and wound exploration. If there is evidence for de ...
ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES Black widow spider envenomation →severe cramping of abdominal, back, and leg muscles. A 10-year-old bo ...
ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES BROWNRECLUSESPIDER(LOXOSCELES RECLUSA) The brown recluse spider is identified by the brown violin shap ...
ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES Bees ■ Barbed stingers →stinger remains in victim (one sting/bee). ■ The process kills the bee. ■ Kill ...
ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES The bark scorpion (Centruroides sculpturatus, in Arizona), however, can cause systemic toxicity. Child ...
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