Hyperpigmentation can occur (especially in patients with dark skin color) due
to chronic skin inflammation.
Exanthems and Enanthems
■ Exanthem: An eruption on a skin surface
■ Enanthem: An eruption on a mucous membrane
■ Viral infection (RNA virus)
■ Incidence of infection reduced by 98% after vaccination introduced in
■ Transmitted by respiratory droplets
■ Incubation 10–12 days between exposure and onset of symptoms
■ High fever (up to 104°F).
■ Cough, conjunctivitis, coryza (nasal congestion)
■ Exanthem: Erythematous, nonblanching, maculopapular rash that
starts at the hairline, thenspreads down face, to trunk/extremities (see
Figure 5.7).
■ Enanthem:Koplik spots(pinpoint-sized white spots with red background
which appear on the buccal mucosa opposite molars; see Figure 5.8).
■ Rash may coalesce into salmon-colored patches, then disappear typically
within 1 week of onset.
■ Clinical diagnosis may be challenging, particularly since many physicians
rarely see patients with the diagnosis.
Measles (rubeola): Fever and
rash with cough, conjuctivitis,
coryza, and Koplik spots
FIGURE 5.6. Pityriasis rosea.
(Reproduced, with permission, from Wolff K, Johnson RA, Suurmond D. Fitzpatrick’s Color
Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology,5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005:119.)