
(Barré) #1


TABLE 6.25. Antidotes for Specific Toxicologic Agents


Atropine Cholinergic poisoning Symptomatic bradycardia
Excessive secretions

Black widow spider Black widow spider Persistent symptoms despite analgesia
antivenom (Latrodectus) Pregnancy
Very young or elderly

Calcium Hydrofluoric (HF) acid exposure Local symptoms or burns (dermal application)
Hypocalcemia or high-concentration exposure (IV dosing)

CroFab Family Viperidae: Progressive swelling
Rattlesnakes Increased pain
Copperheads Coagulopathy
Water moccasins Systemic symptoms

Cyanide antidote kit Cyanide Suspicion for exposure in patients with acidosis coma,
seizures, and hypotension

Deferoxamine Acute iron intoxication Systemic symptoms
Iron level >500 mcg/dL

Digoxin-specific Fab Digoxin toxicity Ventricular dysrhythmias
Bradycardia unresponsive to therapy
K > 5.0 mEq/dL in acute ingestion
Potentially massive overdose

Flumazenil Benzodiazepine overdose Severe respiratory depression
Contraindicated in: chronic use; if coingestion of
seizure-inducing medication; elevated ICP

Fomepizole Ethylene glycol Metabolic acidosis or known ingestion of a toxic alcohol

Glucagon Ca++channel blocker toxicity Symptomatic bradycardia
β-Blocker toxicity Hypotension

Hydroxocobalamin Cyanide Suspicion of exposure in patients with acidosis coma,
seizures, and hypotension

Insulin/glucose Ca++channel blocker toxicity Symptomatic bradycardia
β-Blocker toxicity Hypotension

Methylene blue Methemoglobinemia Levels >30%
Mental status changes
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
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