
(Barré) #1


TABLE 11.7. Common Causes of Invasive Gastroenteritis


Salmonellasp. 8–72 hr; contaminated Fever, abdominal pain, Ciprofloxacin if severe illness, sepsis,
food (eggs or poultry) or water, myalgia, headache; or immunocompromise; alternatives:
pet turtles, chicks, or lizards risk of sepsis in very Ceftriaxone or Azithromycin
young, elderly,
many fecal WBCs and
few RBCs

Shigellasp. 1–3 days; fecal-oral, Fever, headache, myalgia, Ciprofloxacin if severe illness, sepsis, or
person-to-person, contaminated diarrhea, little vomiting; immunocompromise; alternatives:
food common in kids 1–5 yr; Ceftriaxone or Azithromycin
many fecal WBCs and RBCs

Campylobactersp. 1–7 days; contaminated Common in children and Ciprofloxacin if severely ill or septic;
water, food (poultry, eggs), young adults; low-grade alternative: Azithromycin
animals or pets fever, abdominal pain, and
vomiting may precede
diarrhea; fecal RBCs and
WBCs common

Yersinia enterolitica 1–5 days; contaminated Children and young adults; Usually self-limiting; treat with
food or water (milk, pork), may mimic appendicitis; Ciprofloxacin; Alternative: Bactrim
fecal-oral, person-to-person, anorexia, fever, RLQ
pets or wild animals abdominal pain, and
vomiting precede diarrhea;
many fecal WBCs and RBCs

C. difficile 1–11 wk; recent antibiotic Fever, abdominal pain, Metronidazole orally preferred;
use; PCN, clindamycin, copious foul-smelling vancomycin orally; IV vancomycin
cephalosporins most diarrhea, rarely vomiting; ineffective; IV metronizadole may
commonly implicated fecal WBCs and RBCs; be beneficial
stoolC. difficiletoxin
confirms diagnosis

Entamoeba 1–11 wk; contaminated food Acute amebic dysentery: Metronidazole then Iodoquinol;
histolytica or water, poor sanitation, abrupt onset of fever, chloroquine may be added; antibiotics
travel to developing countries abdominal pain, tenesmus, will usually sufficiently treat abscess
and bloody diarrhea; chronic as well
dysentery: malaise, weight
loss, bloating, and bloody
may develop hepatic
fecal RBCs, WBCs common

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