
(Barré) #1

TABLE 16.7. Somatoform Disorders


Conversion Usually involves Rule out organic Clinical diagnosis; Reassurance; supportive
Disorder neurologic/orthopedic pathology first (MS, no physical findings care; refer for outpatient
(rare, F >M, manifestations(paralysis, SLE, Lyme disease, related to symptom medical and psychiatric
adolescence) seizures, blindness), polymyositis, toxins). found, and exam is follow-up
sudden onset of single Check labs or inconsistent with
symptom related to imaging if indicated. known anatomic or
severe stress pathophysiologic

Somatization Wide variety of complaints Rule out organic Clinical diagnosis. Reassurance, close
Disorder and long complicated causes if indicated. outpatient medical and
(F>M, history of medical psychiatric follow-up;
adolescent–30s) problems with no apparent minimize number of
medical cause; a pan- providers and ensure a
positive review of single one is taking the
systems, repeated visits lead on treatment plan

Hypochondriasis Patient is preoccupied Rule out organic Clinical diagnosis. Reassurance, close
with fears of serious causes. outpatient medical and
illness that persist psychiatric follow-up;
despite appropriate minimize number of
medical evaluation providers and ensure a
and reassurance. single one is taking the
lead on treatment plan

Fictitious Disorders

See Table 16.8.

TABLE 16.8. Factitious Disorders


Drug-seeking Most common complaints are back pain, Rule out real medical Refuse drug, consider
behavior headache, extremity pain, and dental pain. illness. Strike a balance need for alternative
Common techniques include lost prescription, between sufficient medication/treatment,
impending surgery, factitious hematuria, workup and exhaustive refer for drug counseling.
self-mutilation, multiple drug allergies. unnecessary
Secondary gain is to obtain pain medication. tests/procedures.

Malingering This is strongly linked with antisocial Somatization disorder; Close outpatient
personality disorder.There is marked same as for follow-up.
discrepancy between patient’s complaints and drug-seeking behavior
objective findings, with poor cooperation during
exam or a history of poor compliance.
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