Game Engine Architecture
739 Float TurnRadius; Float TopSpeed : min(0.0); ... } ... The above example brings a few important details to light. You’ll not ...
740 14. Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems duction, it might be decided that Orcs should have a more powerful 30 hit points by ...
741 mas within the world editor with litt le or no programmer intervention. The programmer can implement the runtime implementat ...
742 14. Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems freed by simply resett ing the stack pointer to the top of the LSR data block. At th ...
743 resource data are being loaded. One simple approach would be to divide the memory that we’ve set aside for game world assets ...
744 14. Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems Modern game engines support this kind of seamless world by using a technique known a ...
745 of the world chunks that should be in memory when the player is in that region. At any given moment, the player is within on ...
746 14. Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems Off-Line Memory Allocation for Object Spawning Some game engines solve the ...
747 spawned, we cannot use a stack-based allocator either. Our only choice ap- pears to be a fragmentation-prone heap allocator. ...
748 14. Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems cause a pool allocation involves two pointer manipulations to remove the ele- ment f ...
749 the tiny memory cards that were used on older consoles. But even today, with consoles that are equipped with large hard driv ...
750 14. Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems 14.5 Object References and World Queries Every game object generally requires some k ...
751 z Invalid pointers. A programmer is free to store any address in a pointer, including a totally invalid address. A common pr ...
752 14. Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems standard C++ library is widely recognized to be inadequate in many situa- tions. The ...
753 ate slot in the handle table and dereferences the pointer it fi nds there. This is illustrated in Figure 14.13. Because of t ...
754 14. Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems to return null when dereferenced rather than returning a pointer to object B unexpec ...
755 // This is our simple game object handle class. classGameObjectHandle { private: U32 m_handleIndex; // index into the handle ...
756 14. Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems makes many other types of game object queries. Here are just a few examples of the k ...
757 z Finding all objects within a given region or radius. We might consider stor- ing our game objects in some kind of spatial ...
758 14. Runtime Gameplay Foundation Systems as long as the game is running. Usually, one or more clocks are maintained by the en ...
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