develop within the venous circulatory system, especially with stasis of blood flow. During pregnancy, the weight of the fetus on ...
the chest diameter, is of normal size (answer b),but is shifted to the right. Both the pulmonary trunk (answer d)and the left ve ...
circulation through the intercostal arteries that results from a circulatory deficit elsewhere. Just as a subcostal location off ...
(answer a)vena cava bring venous blood to in the right atrium. Oxy- genated blood from the lungs is brought to the left atrium ( ...
352.The answer is c.(Moore and Dalley, pp 167–168.)The mitral valve is best heard over the apex of the heart, which lies approxi ...
defects (bicuspid aortic valve, or ventricular septal defect) and is common in Turner’s syndrome. A patent ductus arteriosus (an ...
the aorta (answer d)would make the problem worse. An overriding aorta (answer a)is the second best answer. An aortic aneurysm (a ...
Ventricular systole occurs approximately between the S 1 and S 2 heart sounds and diastole between S 2 and S 1. Occasionally, a ...
would extend down to about rib 10. The sixth (answer a)intercostals space is too cranial and tenth (answer b)and twelfth (answer ...
366.The answer is e.(Moore and Dalley, pp 156–160.)A sonogram of the heart (or echocardiogram) that suggests decreased posterior ...
second rib; intervertebral disc T 4/5; bifurcation of trachea; and azygos vein joining superior vena cava. Since the tracheal lu ...
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Abdomen Questions DIRECTIONS: Each item below contains a question or incomplete statement followed by suggested responses. Selec ...
371.Gallbladder pain often presents as epigastric pain that then migrates towards the patient’s right side and can even wrap aro ...
374.Many cesarean sections are performed by making a horizontal skin incision that is slightly curved (about 15 cm) on the anter ...
376.A 65-year-old male presents with jaundice for 2–3 weeks, fatigue and increasing epigastric pain. He has no history of peptic ...
379.The 65-year-old with pancreatic adenocarcinoma in the head of pan- creas was taken to surgery. A PET CT suggested some metas ...
381.A slender 53-year-old woman who smokes a pack of cigarettes each day comes to your office complaining of a pulsating sensati ...
383.A 19-year-old teenager is brought to the emergency room after a single-car accident just 20 minutes earlier in which she los ...
386.The lesser sac (omental bursa) is directly continuous with which of the following recesses or spaces? a. Infracolic compartm ...
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