371.Gallbladder pain often presents as epigastric pain that then migrates
towards the patient’s right side and can even wrap around to the posterior.
The referred pain is not the site of the problem. Anatomically where is the
gallbladder located?
a. Between the left and caudate lobes of the liver
b. Between the right and quadrate lobes of the liver
c. In the falciform ligament
d. In the lesser omentum
e. In the right anterior leaf of the coronary ligament
372.A woman presents with gallstones and no jaundice. She is prepared
for exploratory surgery. The lesser omentum is incised close to its free edge,
and the biliary tree is identified and freed by blunt dissection. The liquid
contents of the gallbladder are aspirated with a syringe, the fundus incised,
and the stones are removed. The entire duct system is carefully probed for
stones, one of which is found to be obstructing a duct. In view of her symp-
toms, where is the most probable location of the obstruction?
a. The bile duct
b. The common hepatic duct
c. The cystic duct
d. Within the duodenal papilla proximal to the juncture with the pancreatic duct
e. Within the duodenal papilla distal to the juncture with the pancreatic duct
373.A full-term 8 lb baby boy was delivered vaginally to a 36-year-old
mother. At delivery he had a large scrotum. The delivering OB palpated the
enlarged scrotum and determined that both testicles were present. When
the OB pressed gently on the newborn’s abdomen the scrotum swelled even
more. What congenital condition did the OB note in the chart?
a. Abdominal hernia
b. Cryptorchid (maldescended) testes
c. Varicocele
d. Hydrocele
e. Femoral hernia
494 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology