
(coco) #1

316.Specific neurons supplying the head and neck region have their cell
bodies located in ganglia. Cell bodies that bring about accommodation for
near vision are located where?

a. Ciliary ganglion
b. Geniculate ganglion
c. Otic ganglion
d. Pterygopalatine (sphenopalatine) ganglion
e. Semilunar ganglion
f. Submandibular ganglion

317.A 63-year-old man is on your hospital service for workup of a stiff
neck and the “worse headache” of his life and general malaise. Two days
earlier, he had had a spinal tap, which was bloodless and consistent with
viral meningitis. This morning on rounds you note that he seems to have to
turn his whole head towards you when he looks at you as you enter his
hospital room. While his headache is getting better, you notice that both
his eyes have reduced ability to move laterally; rather he tends to turn his
head. When you get out your ophthalmoscope and look at his fundi, there
is no evidence of papilledema. You check his back at the site of his spinal
tap that had been performed two days earlier and it seems OK. The rest of
the cranial nerve exam is normal. Which of the following is the most likely
cause of his reduced eye movement?

a. Viral meningitis
b. Stretching of cranial nerve VI
c. Excess cerebral spinal fluid that is stretching just cranial nerves III
d. Bilateral tumors at the superior orbital fissures
e. Normal stiffening process following hospitalization for couple of days

428 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

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