
(coco) #1

  1. The gubernaculum is a continuous mesenchymal condensation
    extending from the caudal pole of each gonad through the inguinal canal to
    the labioscrotal swelling, inferiorly. In the female the gubernaculum
    becomes which of the following?

a. Canal of Nuck
b. Ligament of the ovary or proper ligament of the ovary
c. Round ligament of the uterus
d. Round ligament of the uterus and the ligament of the ovary or proper ligament
of the ovary
e. Suspensory ligament of the ovary

417.Parts of some human skeletal remains are brought to you as coroner
of a rural community. The pelvis is complete, yet the individual bones of the
pelvis, the ilium, ischium, and pubis have just started to fuse together. The
subpubic angle you estimate at 60°and the pelvic brim has a distinctive heart-
shaped appearance. On the basis of this information, you guess the remains
are of which of the following?

a. 3-year-old male
b. 4-year-old female
c. 14-year-old male
d. 30-year-old female
e. 80-year-old male

418.Following vaginal childbirth, a woman experienced urinary inconti-
nence, particularly when coughing. This was most likely caused by tearing
of which of the following?

a. Puborectalis muscle
b. Obturator internus muscle
c. Pubococcygeus muscle
d. Superficial transverse perineal muscle
e. Piriformis muscle

532 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology

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