Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1


ABC of Reading(Pound), 18, 462
“Acceptance” (Frost), 325
“Acquainted with the Night”
(Frost), 175, 179
loneliness theme in, 270
Adams, Leonie, 276–77
Adonais (Shelley), 26
Adorno, Theodor, 409, 418
African American
culture, 407, 410–11, 413–14,
418, 448
literature, 399–402, 413
“After Apple-Picking” (Frost), 4,
After Strange Gods (Eliot), 462
“Against the Weather: A Study of
the Artist” (Williams), 196
Aiken, Conrad, 19
birth, 460
on The Wasteland, 143
“Aim Was Song, The” (Frost), 317
“All the Fancy Things” (Williams),
All the King’s Men (Warren), 463
Al Que Quiere! (Williams), 461
“Amaranth” (H.D.), 367–69, 380
Ambassadors, The (James), 64
American Hieroglyphics(Irwin), 291
“American Idiom, The” (Williams),

American Language, The(Mencken),
American modern poetry
of the 1920’s, 253–80
chronology, 459–64
influences on, 1–33
traditions, 14, 21
American Scene, The (James, H.), 437
Ammons, A.R.
Ommateum, 464
Anderson, Sherwood
Winesburg, Ohio, 461
“Anecdote of the Jar” (Stevens), 272
“April” (Williams), 106
Aragon, Louis
Le Paysan de Paris, 106
Arensberg, Walter, 264
Aristotle, 13
Arnold, Matthew, 25, 294, 344
“The Buried Life,” 145, 147
“Thyrsis,” 302
“Arrival” (Williams)
weather poem, 93
Ashbery, John, 21
Some Trees, 464
Ash Wednesday (Eliot), 23–24, 344,
“As I Ebb’d with the Ocean of Life”
(Whitman), 17
Asphodel, That Greeny Flower

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