Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1

480 Index

(Williams), 11
“Atlantis” (Crane, H.), 26–32, 73,
allusions in, 74
nightmare in, 83–85
sublime consciousness in, 77
“At Melville’s Tomb” (Crane, H.),
274, 281–82, 285–87
structure of, 288–89, 291,
293–96, 299–303
“At a Month’s End” (Swinburne),
“At the Faucet of June” (Williams),
Auden, W.H.
For the Time Being, 463
“Musée des Beaux Arts,” 444
Poems, 462
The Sea and the Mirror, 463
Auerbach, Erich
Mimesis, 397
Auroras of Autumn, The (Stevens),
14, 233, 235, 410
pastoral of, 111–12, 114–15, 120,
123–26, 138–40
Autobiography (Williams), 196, 198,
Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The
(Stein, G.), 462
“Ave Maria” (Crane, H.), 276, 285

Bacchae, The (H.D.), 369–70
“Bacchus” (Emerson), 1
Baldwin, James, 395, 416
Ballad of the Harp-Weaver(Millay),
“Bantams in Pine Woods” (Stevens),
Baraka, Amiri
Blues People: Negro Music in White
America, 406–7
Bartlett, John, 193

Battleship Potemkin(Eisenstein), 461
“Beautiful Thing” (Williams), 201,
203, 221–24
Beckett, Samuel
Endgame, 464
Being and Time (Heidegger), 462
Benjamin, Walter
“The Work of Art in the Age of
Mechanical Reproduction,”
“Bereft” (Frost), 179, 318–19, 321,
Berger, Charles, 234
Bersani, Leo, 418
“Between Walls” (Williams), 105
Bierstadt, Albert, 442
Big Sea, The (Hughes), 463
“Birches” (Frost), 193
Birds, Beasts and Flowers (Lawrence),
“Bird’s Companion, The”
(Williams), 106
“Bird-Witted” (Moore), 48, 449
Bishop, Elizabeth, 19–20
“Black Earth” (Moore), 45–46
Blackmur, R.P., 257, 269, 274, 294
“Black Tambourine” (Crane, H.),
Blake, William
influence on Crane, 273–74,
influences of, 20, 22
and negation, 3
and realism, 17, 74
and romanticism, 271
Blast, 363
founding, 460
“Blizzard” (Williams), 93
Blood for a Stranger(Jarrell), 463
Bloom, Harold, 169, 302, 304–6,
on the influences on the modern
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