482 Index
Cathay (Pound), 53, 57
“Census-Taker, The” (Frost), 179
Chamber Music (Joyce), 56
“Chance Meeting” (H.D.), 370
Chaplin, Charlie, 240, 350–51
The Kid, 273, 461
Modern Times, 462
“Chaplinesque” (Crane), 349–50,
Chicago Poems (Sandburg), 461
“Children of Adam” (Whitman),
Children of the Night, The (Robinson)
“The Children of the Night” in,
Chills and Fever (Ransom), 461
human doubleness theme in, 262
“Choros Sequence: form Morpheus”
(H.D.), 370
Church, Frederic, 442
“Cities” (H.D.), 365
Citizen Kane(Welles), 463
“City in the Sea, The” (Poe), 84
City Winter and Other Poems, A
(O’Hara), 464
“Clerks, The” (Robinson), 1
Cleveland, John, 15
“Cliff Dwelling, A” (Frost), 190
“Cliff Temple, The” (H.D.), 365
Close Chaplet, The (Jackson), 461
Cocktail Party, The (Eliot), 463
“The Cocoon” (Frost), 179–80
“Cod Head, The” (Williams), 105
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 13, 168,
240, 249, 316, 434
“Dejection: An Ode,” 169
“Kubla Khan,” 360
Collected Earlier Poems (Williams),
Collected Poems (Cummings), 463
Collected Poems (MacLeish), 464
Collected Poems (Moore), 463
Collected Poems (Stevens), 238, 464
Collected Poems 1921–1931
(Williams), 104–9, 207–18
“Comedian as the Letter C, The”
(Stevens), 237–38, 241, 272
“Complete Destruction” (Williams)
central consciousness in, 91
Complete Poems (Moore), 464
Complete Poems and Selected Prose
(Crane), 289, 291–95, 298
structure, 301
Composition in Red and Blue
(Mondrian), 462
Conduct of Life The (Emerson), 1, 5
“Constant Symbol, The” (Frost, 185
Cook, Eleanor, 466
on the later poems of Stevens,
Cooper, James Fenimore
The Last of the Mohicans, 435
“Coronal, A” (Williams), 11
repeated motifs in, 92
Costello, Bonnie, 467
on Moore’s American landscape,
Cowley, Abraham, 15, 25
Cowper, William
“The Castaway,” 190
Cox, James, 168
Crane, Hart, 11, 19, 277
“Atlantis,” 26–32, 73–74, 77,
83–85, 306
“At Melville’s Tomb,” 274,
281–82, 285–89, 291, 293–96,
“Ave Maria,” 276, 285
birth, 460
“Black Tambourine,” 273
Blake’s influence on, 273–74,
The Bridge, 25–27, 29, 71–88,
198, 274–75, 282, 284, 290,