Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 481

American poets, 1–33
introduction, 1–33
A Map of Misreading, 30
Blue Estuaries 1923–1968, The
(Bogan), 464
Blues People: Negro Music in White
America(Baraka), 406–7
Body of This Death(Bogan), 461
Bogan, Louise, 276–77
The Blue Estuaries 1923–1968,
Body of This Death, 461
Dark Summer, 462
death, 464
The Sleeping Fury, 462
“Bonfire, The” (Frost), 320–21, 329,
“Botticellian Trees, The”
(Williams), 109
Bouvard et Pécuchet (Flaubert), 56
“Boy of Winander, The” (Frost),
Boy’s Will, A (Frost), 4, 191, 327,
333, 336, 460
Bradley, F.H., 161–62, 166, 260, 354
Brave New World (Huxley), 462
Bridge, The (Crane), 25–27, 282, 462
American history in, 74–75,
80–81, 83, 410
influence on, 198, 345
modernist theory in, 351–56
negation in, 274–75
redemption and evil in, 71–88,
rhythm and imagery in, 29, 81,
284, 290, 293, 306
Broken Span (Williams), 463
“Broken Tower, The” (Crane), 271,
Orphic quest in, 26, 32–33
structure of, 290, 292
Bromwich, David, 467

on Eliot’s influence on Crane,
“Brook in the City, A” (Frost), 332
Brooks, Gwendolyn
A Street in Bronzeville, 463
on The Wasteland, 143, 148
We Real Cool, 464
Brooks Van Wyck, 255, 282
“The Literary Life,” 257
Brother to Dragons (Warren), 464
Browning, Robert, 15
influences of, 22–24
influence on Robinson, 2
“Bull, The” (Williams), 95–96
“Buried Life, The” (Arnold), 145,
Burke, Kenneth, 465
on Crane, 72
on Moore’s radiant sensitivity,
Burnett, Gary, 370
“Burning the Christmas Greens”
(Williams), 11
“Burnt Dancer, The” (Eliot), 411
“By the Watermelon Vine” (Eliot),

“Cabin in the Clearing, A” (Frost), 5
Cane(Toomer), 461
Cantos of Ezra Pound, The (Pound),
53–58, 68, 207, 214, 259
poems in, 61, 64–65, 198
Canzoni (Pound), 460
“Cape Hatteras” (Crane, H.), 285
violence in, 76
Whitman in, 75
Captain Craig and Other Poems
(Robinson), 1, 460
“Captain Craig” in, 4
Carlyle, Thomas, 61
“Cassandra” (H.D.), 369
“Castaway, The” (Cowper), 190
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