Index 483
293, 303, 306, 345, 351–56,
410, 462
“The Broken Tower,” 26, 32–33,
271, 290, 292, 362
“Cape Hatteras,” 75–76, 285
“Chaplinesque,” 349–50, 362
“The City in the Sea,” 84
Complete Poems and Selected Prose,
289, 291–95, 298, 301
“Cutty Sark,” 76, 84
“The Dance,” 361
Eliot’s influence on, 281–309,
“Emblems of Conduct,” 360
“Episode of Hands,” 282, 296
For the Marriage of Faustus and
Helen, 71–73, 274, 352
“General Aims and Theories,”
273, 282, 292–94, 300
“Harbor Dawn,” 74, 285
imagination, 72–73
influences on, 22, 25–33, 75, 273,
“In Shadow,” 273
“Lachrymae Christ,” 281
“Legend,” 281, 360
“A Letter to Harriet Monroe,”
287, 295
Melville’s influence on, 282–89,
291, 296, 299–301
“The Mermen,” 305
modernist style of, 257, 396, 407,
“My Grandmother’s Love
Letters,” 273, 345–48
“National Winter Garden,” 76,
“O Carib Isle!,” 361
“Passage,” 281, 360–61
“Pastorale,” 273
Poems, 284–85, 289, 297, 299,
302, 305
Poe’s influence on, 284
“Possessions, 356–58, 362
“Praise for an Urn,” 273, 302
“Proem: To a Brooklyn Bridge,”
25–26, 77–80, 276, 362
“Quaker Hill,” 76
“Recitative,” 362
“Repose to Rivers,” 282, 303–6,
“The River,” 282, 295, 354
“The Sea Raised Up,” 285
Shelley’s influence on, 26, 28,
“Southern Cross,” 76
suicide, 71, 462
“To Emily Dickinson,” 299
“To Shakespeare,” 292
“The Tunnel,” 29, 76, 79–80, 84,
349, 354, 362
“Virginia,” 76
“Voyages I,” 26–27, 275, 285,
“Voyages II,” 285, 297, 300
“Voyages VI,” 360–61
White Buildings, 26, 32, 273, 281,
284, 292, 351, 360461
Whitman’s influence on, 71,
74–75, 80, 198, 284–85
“The Wine Menagerie,” 255,
Crane, Stephen
influence on Moore, 19
Credences of Summer (Stevens)
pastoral of, 111–33, 136
“Credo” (Robinson), 1, 3
“Critics and Connoisseurs”
(Moore), 49
Cronon, William, 436
“The Trouble with Wilderness,”
“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”
(Whitman), 28–29, 299