Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 485

Dubliners (Joyce), 56
DuBois, W.E.B.
The Souls of Black Folk, 405–6
Duchamp, Marcel
Nude Descending a Staircase, 460
Dunbar, Paul Laurence
birth, 459
death, 460
Duncan, Isadora, 74, 373–74
“Dust of Snow” (Frost), 270

Early Martyr, An (Williams), 462
“Echo, The” (Frost), 185–86
Edelman, Lee, 285, 302
Transmemberment of Song, 292–93
Edwards, Jonathan
“Sinners in the Hands of an
Angry God,” 447
Egyptian Helen, The (Strauss),
Einstein, Albert, 461
Eisenstein, Sergei
Battleship Potemkin, 461
“Elephants” (Moore), 21
Eleven Poems on the Same Theme
(Warren), 463
Eliot, T.S., 11, 215, 281, 289, 305
After Strange Gods, 462
Ash Wednesday, 23–24, 344, 462
birth, 459
“The Burnt Dancer,” 411
“By the Watermelon Vine,” 411
The Cocktail Party, 463
criticism, 344
“The Cubanola Glide,” 411
“Dans le Restaurant,” 157
death, 464
Family Reunion, 463
Fifty Miles from Boston, 411
“La Figlia che Piange,” 345–47
“First Caprice in North

Cambridge,” 411
Four Quartets, 25, 55, 344, 463
“From Poe to Valéry,” 411
“Gerontion,” 25, 259–60, 345
“Hamlet and His Problems,” 344
The Hollow Men, 260, 461
imagination, 346
influences of, 27, 30, 54, 226,
239, 262, 286
influences on, 21–25
influence on Crane, 281–309,
influence on Tate, 263–64
modernist style of, 19, 257, 286,
286, 363–64, 396, 400, 407,
416, 418
on Moore, 35–36
Murder in the Cathedral, 462
“The Music of Poetry,” 411–12,
“My Evaline,” 411
Nobel prize, 463
“Opera,” 411
Poems, 258, 263
Prufrock and Other Observations,
159, 259, 273, 344, 351,
356–59, 411, 461
“Rhapsody on a Windy Night,”
153, 159–63, 295–96, 411
The Sacred Wood, 259, 461
Sweeney Agonistes, 413–14, 461
Tennyson’s influence on, 22–25
“Tradition and the Individual
Talent,” 257, 344461
“Ulysses, Order, and Myth,” 261,
The Use of Poetry and the Use of
Criticism, 462
The Wasteland, 13–14, 22, 25,
28–29, 71, 73, 96, 143–66,
199–200, 213, 220, 254–55,
259–60, 263–65, 269, 271,
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