Index 489
“The Tuft of Flowers,” 172
“The Valley’s Singing Day,” 315
A Way Out, 270
West-Running Brook, 179, 270,
“A Winter Eden,” 312, 325, 333
“The Witch of Coös,” 190, 270,
A Witness Tree, 191, 463
“The Wood-Pile,” 169–72, 174,
180, 312
Frye, Northrop, 21, 26
Further Range, A (Frost), 181, 462
Gartenplan (Klee), 461
Gaston de Latour (Pater), 32–33
Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri, 363
“General Aims and Theories”
(Crane, H.), 273, 282, 292–94,
“Generations of Men, The” (Frost),
“Gentildonna” (Pound), 57
“George Crabbe” (Robinson), 1
“Gerontion” (Eliot), 25, 259–60,
“Ghosts as Cocoons” (Stevens), 246
“Gift Outright, The” (Frost), 449
Gilbert, Sandra, 380
Gilroy, Paul, 405–6
Ginsberg, Allen, 229
Howl, 464
Giraffe on Fire(Dali), 462
“Glories of Our Blood and State,
The” (Shirley), 169
God Without Thunder (Ransom), 462
Golden Day, The(Mumford), 282
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck),
“Grave, A” (Moore), 21, 427–29
Graves, Robert, 168
Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 461
Greenberg, Samuel, 275
Gross, Harvey, 290
Guber, Susan, 380, 383
Guernica (Picasso), 462
Hairy Ape, The (O’Neill), 461
“Hamlet and His Problems” (Eliot),
Hammer, Langdon, 467
on Crane’s influences, 281–309
Happy Marriage, The(MacLeish),
“Harbor Dawn” (Crane, H.), 285
allusions in, 74
Hardy, Thomas, 2
“The Darkling Thrush,” 455
influence on Moore, 19
Harlem Renaissance, 255–56
Harmonium (Stevens), 244, 271–73,
Hartley, Marsden, 264
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 302
Hayden, Robert
Selected Poems, 464
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle), 19, 36, 267,
“Amaranth,” 367–69, 380
The Bacchae, 369–70
birth, 363, 459
death, 464
“Cassandra,” 369
“Chance Meeting,” 370
“Choros Sequence: form
Morpheus,” 370
“Cities,” 365
“The Cliff Temple,” 365
“The Dancer,” 364–65, 373–75
A Dead Priestess Speaks, 377
“A Dead Priestess Speaks,”
“Demeter,” 369
“Envy,” 367