Index 495
Miller, Arthur
Death of a Salesman, 463
Miller, James E., Jr., 466
on Williams’ Paterson, 195–231
Miller, J. Hillis, 13, 266
Mills and the Kavanaughs, The
(Lowell, R.), 463
Milton, John, 129, 186, 240–41,
influences of, 22–23
“Lycidas,” 302
Paradise Lost, 181, 238, 441
Mimesis(Auerbach), 397
“Minor Bird, A” (Frost), 316,
325–26, 333
“Misgiving” (Frost), 320
Moby Dick(Melville), 71, 82, 224,
275, 291, 300
Mondrian, Piet
Composition in Red and Blue, 462
“Monkey Puzzle, The” (Moore), 42
“Monkeys, The” (Moore), 49
“Monody” (Melville), 302
Monroe, Harriet, 363
Montage of a Dream Deferred
(Hughes), 395, 463
Moore, Marianne, 106, 281
aesthetic achievements, 19
allusions, 19, 21
American landscape, 427–57
“Bird-Witted,” 48, 449
birth, 459
“Black Earth,” 45–46
Collected Poems, 463
Complete Poems, 464
criticism, 92
Stephen Crane’s influence on, 19
“Critics and Connoisseurs,” 49
death, 464
“Dock Rats,” 443
“Dominion,” 451–53
“Elephants,” 21
Emerson’s influence on, 20
“England,” 432–33, 450, 454–55
“Enough: Jamestown
1607–1957,” 456
“The Fish,” 42
“Four Quartz Crystal Clocks,” 37
“A Grave,” 21, 427–28
Hardy’s influence on, 19
“He ‘Digesteth Harde Yron,” 21,
“The Hero,” 448
“In the Days of Prismatic
Colour,” 49
“In Distrust of Merits,” 21
influences on, 19–21
“In This Age of Hard Trying,
Nonchalance is Good and,” 49
“The Jerboa,” 43–44, 429
“Keeping Their World Large,”
“Love in America,” 432
“Marriage,” 14, 21, 41, 98, 430
modernist style of, 257, 271,
“The Monkey Puzzle,” 42
“The Monkeys,” 49
Nevertheless, 463
“New York,” 435–38, 442
“Notes on the State of Virginia,”
“Novices,” 21, 49
Observations, 35, 264, 267–68,
“An Octopus,” 21, 436, 438–42,
“The Pangolin,” 48
“The Paper Nautilus,” 49
“Part of a Novel, Part of a Poem,
Part of a Play,” 447–48
“The Past is the Present,” 49,
“People’s Surroundings,” 38,