Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1

502 Index

Three on the Tower, 199
“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry
God” (Edwards), 447
“Six Significant Landscapes”
(Stevens), 272
Slatin, John, 441, 454–55
“Sleepers, The” (Whitman), 8
Sleeping Fury, The (Bogan), 462
Smart, Christopher
Jubilate Agno, 20
“Smooth Gnarled Crape Myrtle”
(Moore), 46, 449
“Snow Man, The” (Stevens),
169–70, 270, 272
“Sojourn in the Whale” (Moore),
41–42, 44
Solstice and Other Poems (Jeffers), 462
Some Trees(Ashbery), 464
“Somnambulisma” (Stevens), 235
“Song of Fixed Accord” (Stevens),
“Song of Myself” (Whitman), 12,
18, 217, 226, 356
Sonnets to Duse and Other Poems
(Teasdale), 460
Souls of Black Folk, The(DuBois),
Sound and the Fury, The (Faulkner),
“Source, The” (Williams), 105
Sour Grapes (Williams), 93, 265
“Southern Cross” (Crane, H.)
the sea in, 76
Spanish Civil War, 462
Spencer, Herbert, 23
death, 460
“Spenser’s Ireland” (Moore), 39–41,
Spoils of Poynton, The (James, H.), 38
Spoon River Anthology (Masters), 460
Spring and All (Williams), 95,
98–103, 105, 264, 415, 461

imagination in, 96–97, 104,
“Spring and All” (Williams), 196,
transit and arrival in, 100–2
“Spring Pools” (Frost), 189, 270,
“Star in a Stoneboat, A” (Frost), 5
“St. Armorer’s Church from the
Outside” (Stevens), 238
Steeple Bush (Frost), 4, 463
“Steeple Jack, The” (Moore),
442–48, 450
Steinbeck, John
The Grapes of Wrath, 463
Stein, Gertrude, 264, 276, 440
The Autobiography of Alice B.
Toklas, 462
Three Lives, 460
Stevens, Wallace, 450
“Anecdote of the Jar,” 272
The Auroras of Autumn, 14,
111–12, 114, 120, 123–26,
138–40, 233, 235–36, 410
“Bantams in Pine Woods,” 272
birth, 459
Collected Poems, 238, 464
“The Comedian as the Letter
C,” 237–38, 241, 272
Credences of Summer, 111–33, 136
death, 464
Description without Place, 139, 239
“The Desire To Make Love in a
Pagoda,” 236–37
“Domination of Black,” 178
Emerson’s influence on, 7–9
“The Emperor of Ice Cream,”
“Farewell without a Guitar,” 243
“Frogs Eat Butterflies,” 235
“From the Misery of Don Joost,”
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