Modern American Poetry

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 501

“The Clerks,” 1
“Credo,” 1, 3
death, 462
Emerson’s influence on, 1–4
“Eros Turannos,” 1–2
“For a Dead Lady,” 1
“George Crabbe,” 1
“Luke Havergal,” 1–2
The Man Against the Sky, 461
Merlin, 1
“The Sage,” 1–2
The Torrent and the Night Before, 1
“Walt Whitman,” 1
“Rock, The” (Stevens), 235
Rock and Shell (Wheelright), 462
Rock Drill (Pound), 464
Roethke, Theodore
The Far Field, 464
The Lost Son, 463
Open House, 463
“Rose, The” (Williams)
cubist position, 97–98
Rosenfeld, Paul
Port of New York, 264
Rosetti, Christina, 277
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 15, 60–61,
Ross, Harold
The New Yorker, 461
Rukeyser, Muriel
Theory of Flight, 462
A Turning Wind, 463
Ruskin, John, 26, 61
Russo-Japanese War, 460

Sacred Wood, The(Eliot), 461
traditionalism, 258
“Sage, The” (Robinson), 1–2
“Sail of Ulysses, The” (Stevens), 240
Sandburg, Carl August, 396
birth, 459
Chicago Poems, 461

death, 464
Schelling, Felix, 409
Sea and the Mirror, The (Auden), 463
Sea Garden (H.D.), 364–65461
“Sea Gods” (H.D.), 364
“Sea Rose” (H.D.), 364
“Sea Raised Up, The” (Crane, H.),
“Sea Surface Full of Clouds”
(Stevens), 123, 133, 272
Selected Poems(Hayden), 464
Selected Poems (Jarrell), 464
Selected Poems (Moore), 35, 462
poems in, 38, 42–46, 49
Selected Poems (Ransom)
human doubleness theme in, 262
Selected Poems: New and Old,
1923–1966 (Warren), 464
Seven Types of Ambiguity(Empson),
Shakespeare, William, 14
influences of, 23, 27, 63, 74,
105–6, 237, 240, 249, 292,
314, 412
The Tempest, 352
Sheeler, Charles, 264
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 178, 271,
277, 306, 314, 325, 364
Adonais, 26, 28
influence on Crane, 26, 28,
influences of, 22–23, 56
“Ode to the West Wind,” 302,
The Triumph of Life, 26
“Sheltered Garden” (H.D.), 364
Shirley, Anthony
“The Glories of Our Blood and
State,” 169
“Shoot it Jimmy!” Williams, 102
“Silken Tent, The” (Frost), 189, 321
Simpson, Louis
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