Index 507
the blues in, 402–7
Weaver, Raymond
Mariner and Mystic, 283–84
Weber, Max
The Protestant Ethic and the Birth
of Capitalism, 460
Wedge, The (Williams), 207, 463
“Well Dressed Man with a Beard,
The” (Stevens), 9
Welles, Orson
Citizen Kane, 463
Wells, H.G., 404
We Real Cool (Brooks), 464
Weston, Jessie, 153
West-Running Brook (Frost), 179, 462
poems in, 270
What Are Years (Moore), 35, 450,
poems in, 35–37, 39–42, 46–48
symbolist, 36–37
Wheelright, John Brooks
Rock and Shell, 462
“When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard
Bloom’d” (Whitman), 13, 17–18,
22, 25
Whitaker, Thomas R., 466
on the early poems of Williams,
11–12, 89–110
White Buildings (Crane, H.), 26, 32,
281, 284, 292, 351, , 360461
poems in, 273
spirit of negation in, 273
White-Jacket (Melville), 283
Whitman, Walt, 4, 19, 136
“As I Ebb’d with the Ocean of
Life,” 17
“Children of Adam,” 223
“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,”
28–29, 299
death, 198
influences of, 26–27, 30, 167,
182, 271, 275, 306
influence on Crane, 71, 74–75,
80, 198, 282, 284–85
influences on Eliot, 21–25
influences on Pound, 14–18, 198
influences on Stevens, 7–9
influence on Williams, 11–13,
195–200, 202, 205, 213, 215,
217–18, 221–23, 226
Leaves of Grass, 28, 195, 197, 200,
202, 205, 207, 221, 230
“Out of the Cradle Endlessly
Rocking,” 17–18
“Passage to India,” 75
“Prayer of Columbus,” 29
“The Sleepers,” 8
social vision, 75
“Song of Myself,” 12, 18, 217,
226, 350, 356
“When Lilacs Last in the
Dooryard Bloom’d,” 13,
17–18, 22, 25
“Widow’s Lament in Springtime,
The” (Williams), 11
abstract, 95
Wilbur, Richard, 19
“William Carlos Williams”
(Lowell), 195, 230
Williamson, George
on The Wasteland, 143, 258–59
Williams, Tennessee
A Streetcar Named Desire, 463
Williams, William Carlos, 36
“Against the Weather: A Study of
the Artist,” 196
“All the Fancy Things,” 104
Al Que Quiere!, 461
“The American Idiom,” 197
“April,” 106
“Arrival,” 93
Asphodel, That Greeny Flower, 11
“At the Faucet of June,” 98
Autobiography, 196, 198, 206