
(avery) #1

Subject Index 453

GMP see Good Manufacturing
Gompertz equation 56-7
Gonyaulax 278
gonyautoxin 2 278
Good Laboratory Practice scheme 394
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
408-10, 415-18, 425
gram-negative bacteria 136-7, 140-1
green olives 34-5
groundnuts, moisture content 150
growth rate
curves 21-2
micro-organisms 20-3, 428
psychrotrophic pathogens 182-3
spoilage 120
Staphylococcus aureus 253-4
temperature 46-7
Guillan–Barre syndrome 195

habitat 52
micro-organisms 5-6
Vibrio 259-60
HACCP see Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Point
haemolytic uraemic syndrome 221
Halobacterium 42
Halobacterium salinarium 346
Halococcus 42
halotolerance, water activity 40
handling training 412-13
Hansenula anomala 313
harvesting, cereals 17-18
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Point (HACCP) concept 423-4,
425-34, 434-5, 438
food 158-60
HACCP 426, 428-9
risk analysis 437-8
Health Protection Agency (HPA) 167,
heat shock proteins 50-1
milk treatment 127-30

processes 64, 72-7
resistance 69
sensitivity of micro-organisms 68-72
heat processes 64
heat-labile toxins, Enterotoxogenic
E.coli 219
heat-stable toxins, Enterotoxigenic
E.coli 219
Helicobacter pylori 192
helminths 162, 270-4
Henderson–Hasselbach equation 26-7
Henry illumination 229
hen’s egg albumen 35
hepatitis A and E 301-3
hepatitis A vaccine 307
herbs in food preparation 32-4, 190
heterofermentation 314-15
HGMF see hydrophobic grid
membrane filter
hybridization protection assay 390-1
high pressure low volume (HPLV)
cleaning 420
high pressure processing 90-2
high temperature short time (HTST)
treatment 128
high-energy electrons 85-6
high-risk areas in food processing
histamine toxicity 268
HIV (human Immunodeficiency
Virus) 300
homofermentation 314-15
HPA see Health Protection Agency
HPLV see high pressure low volume
HTST see high temperature short
human enteric viruses 301-2
humolone 352-3
Humulus lupulus 352
hurdle effect 52-3
hydrides boiling points 36
hydrogen peroxide 319, 421
hydrophobic grid membrane filter
(HGMF) 380
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