Programming and Problem Solving with Java
Knowledge Goals To understand the role of a two-dimensional array in representing a table with rows and columns To know how flo ...
12 CHAPTER we choose to hold a collection of data objects play an important role in the design process. In the last two chapters ...
(^582) | Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation 12.1 Two-Dimensional Arrays A one-dimensional array is used to represen ...
12.1 T w o - Dimensional Arrays | 583 Column number Row number The first two lines of the following code fragment would create t ...
(^584) | Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation hiTemp [0] [0] [1] [2] [51] [1][2][5] hiTemp[2] [6] //Print temperture ...
12.1 T w o - Dimensional Arrays | 585 int[][] hits = {{2, 1, 0, 3, 2}, {1, 1, 2, 3, 4}, {1, 0}, {0, 1, 2, 1, 1}}; The third row ...
(^586) | Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation From the Java programmer’s perspective, however, the two views are syno ...
12.2 P r o cessing Two-Dimensional Arrays | 587 Sum the Rows Suppose we want to sum row number 3 (the fourth row) in the array a ...
(^588) | Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation data [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [rowsFilled– 1 ] [data.length– 1 ] [ 1 ][ ...
12.2 P r o cessing Two-Dimensional Arrays | 589 data [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [rowsFilled– 1 ] [data.length– 1 ] [ 1 ][ 2 ] [cols ...
(^590) | Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation processing has the row index in the outer loop, and column processing h ...
12.3 Multidimensional Arrays | 591 12.3 Multidimensional Arrays Java does not place a limit on the number of dimensions that an ...
(^592) | Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation { numberSold = 0; for (int item = 0; item < sales[0][0].length; item ...
12.5 F l o ating-Point Numbers | 593 ing-point variable or constant, the number stored there has both a whole-number part and a ...
(^594) | Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation 199 9 9 NUMBER POWER OF TEN NOTATION CODED REPRESENTATION VALUE +99,99 ...
12.5 F l o ating-Point Numbers | 595 + – 4103 –– 3540 –– 6300 + – 1476 2 6 0 0 Sign Exp 0.1032 +1032 10–^4 0.1032 5.4060 –5406 ...
(^596) | Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation Here is the result of adding xto the sum of yand z: (y) 1325000 100 ( ...
12.5 F l o ating-Point Numbers | 597 location. The name “floating-point” refers to the concept that the decimal point is allowed ...
(^598) | Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation 0.01 to 0.09 0.1 0.20.5 0123456789 Figure 12.10 A Graphical Representat ...
12.5 F l o ating-Point Numbers | 599 Chapter 4, we wrote an expression that compares two floating-point variables rand sfor near ...
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