Fearless Interviewing
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Good! Here’s an example of what I would like you to do with the
values you’ve chosen. Let’s imagine we have a job seeker named
Tanya. Imagine she is trying to choose between a very large com-
pany and a very small company in the computer industry. Her
top values (in order of their importance) are the following:
- Great wealth
- Competition
- Recognition
- Intellectual stimulation
- Variety
- Excitement
- Challenge
- Independence
- Using my technical expertise
Evaluating Offers
Using a chart like the one that follows, on which the left side rep-
resents the small company and the right side represents the big
company, we’re going to compare which situation would best
meet Tanya’s needs for the fulfillment of her top values. If a small
company would bettersatisfy a particular value, we will list it on
the left side. If a value would be better fulfilled in a large compa-
ny, we’ll note it on the right side.