Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Handling customer complaints

There will always be customers who complain after completing the sales. Like
customer objections, don't view complaints negatively. Rather they are often a
very good way to:

Û Obtain valuable customer feedback on products
Û Assess customer attitudes to company policies
Û Address customer needs that were not previously identified

In other words, customer complaints can be a good selling opportunity!

Here are some methods for handling customer complaints:

Respond to all complaints promptly.
Ask the customer to state clearly, in
detail, step-by-step, what happened.

When you are satisfied, you have all
the facts, restate the situation to
the customer to make sure there
is no misunderstanding.
Let them get it off their chest first.
This does much to diffuse a great deal
of the customer's anger or

At this point, it is often clear what the
customer has done wrong, or where
the fault lies.

Be a good listener. Make a decision quickly. Don't leave
the customer waiting for a
Interject only occasionally—using
good questioning techniques to
clarify a point or keep things
moving in a logical fashion.
Don't offer an opinion at this point.

If it is the store's fault or a defective
product, then rectify it immediately.
If it is the customer's fault, make sure
they understand clearly, what
happened and how to fix it.
When you feel that they have given a
full statement of their problem, you
may ask a few questions suggested
by their comments.

It is often very good PR to
compromise or help them out of
their problem.
It often does not cost much and the
spin-off word of mouth
advertising is more than worth it.
This is one way to build customer
loyalty and repeat business.
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