Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Taking an order from your business customer's client

Properly identify the purchaser if no purchase order is used. If in any doubt,
verify with your client before taking the order that the person is authorized to
purchase for their company.

Write the shipping address on each and every charge invoice.

Signatures must be legible. A scrawl is unacceptable and must be accompanied
by a printed name. Get in the habit of printing.

If you are taking down information from the professional person that will
require you to get back to them, always repeat back to them what you have
written and secure their agreement that you have the information correctly.

Never, assume that you know what they mean or want!

Serving your client's customer

Sometimes your clients may not have the time or inclination to assist customers
with product selection.

In most cases, they may send their customers on their own to suppliers
where they have charge accounts.
If your company is in the position of providing this type of service, these
customers need the help of concerned, knowledgeable people who can
assist them to qualify their needs and make an informed decision about their
There is a real opportunity here to be better than the competition.

Qualify the customer to make sure that one of your clients has sent them.

Check to be sure that the client has an account with your company in good
Be sure to record the name, address, and phone number of the customer for
follow up by the client's staff.
Û Identify the purpose for which they are selecting products
Û The maximum dollar value per item allowed by your client
Û Reasonably accurate data on measurements, schematics, etc. These
will be necessary to make good choices and prepare an accurate
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