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7. Manager Assessment Tools

Every business should have a policy of conducting periodic reviews of
employee job functions and employees' performance. The reviews need to be
structured and employees' attitudes towards reviews need to be positive. Both
the business and the employee must view reviews as a way of:

Û Examining the employee's job function and responsibility to see how it
may have changed since the last review
Û Discussing ways in which the job function and responsibilities could
be structured to improve efficiency
Û Assessing the employee's personal performance
Û Discussing an employees career objectives and personal growth
Û Looking at ways that the business might help the employee to attain
personal career and growth objectives

Don't allow review meetings to become nothing but a forum for complaining
and making excuses. To avoid this is one very good reason for the review
process to have a structured format.

In this subsection, we will present and discuss two typical employee review

Employee Review Questionnaire
Senior Employee Position Assessment

These range from a very simple annual review to a detailed assessment that is
really designed for employees in very senior positions.

The use of these tools is not a one-sided affair. It is interactive. Take notes
throughout the review meetings, summaries are prepared, and proposed actions
are noted. Some of the conclusions or actions may or may not be part of the
employee's future Personal Performance Outcomes (PPO).

Give the employees the review form some time prior to the review meeting.
This will enable them time to consider all of the questions and come to the
review meeting able to participate in a meaningful way.

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