Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1

Analyze and draw conclusions

Now you have some valuable information with which to work. Take some time
to analyze the answers.

When you are analyzing, you are examining the research material in detail
to discover its meaning or essential features.
You are looking for relationships in the market and to your business.
Finally, you are deciding on the value of this information to your business.

Analyze each section separately. Using point form, write one or several
concluding statements for each section.

If more than one person completed the questionnaire, check for similar answers
and if they are different, can you explain why there is a difference. What did
you learn about your business and your staff's perceptions of the business?

What meaning can you draw from the similarities and differences in the

Analyze and draw some conclusions about this questionnaire's information
and a previous marketing analysis.
Think about how you can use this information about your
business to further it.
What messages is your business conveying to the
marketplace? Are the messages consistent throughout
company? What will you change or modify?
What will you emphasize what you are already doing? What will you add?
How will you change or modify the messages?
What impressions are you sending to the marketplace? What will you
change or modify? What will you continue to emphasize? What will you
add? How will you add them to your business?

Some factors that could influence questionnaire answers are:
Length of time in company
Position held within the company
Knowledge or awareness of the subject area in the questionnaire
Previous and current input into decisions affecting the subject area in
the questionnaire
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