Sales & Marketing Management

(nextflipdebug5) #1


Flyers are newsprint pages, which are completely devoted to the advertising of
a company. They may be in black and white or colour but nowadays they are
usually in colour.

There are generally two types of flyers:

  1. Inserts

  2. Run of Paper (ROP)

Inserts are produced separately from the newspaper.

You will find many printing companies in your area specializing in flyer
production and often at much cheaper rates than a newspaper would charge.
Many of them will also provide graphic design and Ad layout services. The
flyers are then inserted in a newspaper (as the name implies) or distributed
to homes via private distribution companies.
You will incur an additional charge to have inserts put into the newspapers
but inserts do also have the advantage of target distribution to areas not
serviced by the newspaper.

ROP (Run of Paper) flyers are simply flyers that are produced in the regular
production of the newspaper as part of the paper.

Some newspapers will periodically have specials on ROP flyers to compete
with private producers.
They may also sometimes offer contract rates to regular advertisers that
make the cost more competitive.
An advantage of ROP flyers is they may have other news on back pages
and therefore tend to stay with the paper rather than thrown out as junk
advertising by some customers.
Therefore, like the rest of the newspaper, there is a greater opportunity of
your Ad staying in the home and seen several times before being thrown
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