Sales & Marketing Management

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Magazine advertising

Magazine advertising is generally a much-targeted form of advertising. It is
also usually much more expensive than newspapers, flyers, or handbills.

Magazines have specific readerships.

All of these magazines have a specific group of readers. While there will be
some products and services that you will see advertised in almost any
magazine, most companies will select a magazine that is likely to have readers
that are receptive to its offerings.

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Field and Stream
Soldier of Fortune
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If your company is supplying products and services to prospective brides, it
is doubtful that you would choose Field and Stream magazine to place
an Ad.
The advantage that is often claimed for magazine advertising is that
magazines are very likely to remain in a home for a long time.
They are placed on coffee tables, in magazine racks, etc., and are read
several times by various people in the household.
The number of viewer impressions is much greater than other forms of print
Magazine advertising is usually used for raising customer awareness and
image building rather than price and item advertising

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