Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook

(Steven Felgate) #1


Encourage them to touch and feel, and they will learn faster. You
can show and tell, but they must do. If you are discussing
something, let them verbally process it. If you are rewriting a
proposal, have them do the rewrite.

What do you think? Great report, isn’t it?
It sure is. And you were right about not trying to add more
explanation up-front. I tried putting in the financial
reasons and that only confused the situation.
You did? Well, don’t try spreading them throughout the
report because it will really distract the reader.
Mentoree :
It might not cause that every time.
You tried that too?
Mentoree :
Well, I’m glad I didn’t tell you not to try anything else!
Let’s review what you have done. It sounds like a better
piece of work.

Emotional Thinkers

Some minds let in information primarily through emotions.
These people need to “feel good” about the work experience ...
about the job process ... about their skills ... about the task
outcome. If they don’t, their performance will soon show it. You
can often motivate emotionally responsive team members by
understanding that each human being responds to one of four basic
emotional needs.

The Mentoring Role: Instruction by Example

thinkers need to
feel good about
the job.
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